6 Practical Tips That Will Help You Effectively Deal With Plantar Fasciitis

Your feet carry a lot of weight and endure a lot of pressure on a daily basis. When your feet are injured in any way, it can negatively affect your mobility if you do not deal with the problem quickly. Plantar fasciitis is among the many illnesses that can affect your feet and cause inflammation to the ligaments connecting your heel bones to your toes. 

This condition is quite common and can cause a lot of pain if not treated quickly and effectively. Here are some tried-and-tested tips that can help you deal with plantar fasciitis effectively and reduce the pain. 

1. Rest

One of the easiest ways to relieve the pain of plantar fasciitis is by resting and giving your heels some time to get better. The pain in your heels can be reduced noticeably when you take the weight of your body off your feet by sitting or lying down. This will cause the blood flow and circulation in your feet to improve and reduce the inflammation that often makes it unbearable to stand up or do regular activities.

2. Comfortable Shoes

People who lead particularly active lives and have to live with plantar fasciitis need to pay a lot of attention to what they wear on their feet. As you will see when you click here, the type of footwear you invest in can have a huge impact on how comfortable your feet are. That is why it is important for people who suffer from plantar fasciitis to choose comfortable shoes that have soft soles and can handle the pressure of daily activities without causing extra inflammation to the heel or toes.

3. Massage

Foot massages can go a long way in treating the painful symptoms of Plantar Fasciitis and relieving a lot of the pressure on the feet and toes. By gently massaging the area, you will be able to reduce the stress on the ligaments of the heels and toes and release any tension that has been causing you pain. You can gently massage your own feet with your fingers or you can use a tennis ball or a medically modified massage ball to relax the muscles of your heels. 

4. Hot and Cold Therapy

Plantar fasciitis is caused by an inflammation in the tissues or ligaments in your heels. As is the case with any inflammation in any other area in the body, hot and cold therapy can prove to be quite effective in healing this condition and reducing the pain significantly. The idea is that you place your feet in hot water for a while until you feel the tension is released and the pain going away. After that, you can use cold water to increase the pain relief. Alternatively, you can run a piece of ice on your heels and toes until you start feeling the pain going away and repeat the process whenever you need to. 

5. Exercise

Although Plantar Fasciitis causes mobility issues and makes it harder and more painful for people to move around freely and carry on regular daily activities, exercising can actually be quite beneficial and helpful with the pain.

 Exercising your feet does not have to be too vigorous or tiring; just small stretches in the heel muscles and doing some lunges or calf raises can go a long way in relieving your pain and improving your mobility. Make sure you take your exercises slowly and do not push yourself too hard so that you do not end up harming your feet even more.

6. Medical Procedures

If you have tried different kinds of home remedies and workouts to relieve the pain caused by Plantar Fasciitis without any effective results, then it may be a good idea to consult with a doctor in order for them to perform the necessary medical procedures. Medical intervention may be the most effective option out there for some Plantar Fasciitis patients who suffer from severe pain and mobility issues that keep them from going about their daily lives. Make sure you consult with more than one physician in order to get the right kind of medical treatment that will end your suffering once and for all. 

Suffering from plantar fasciitis can be incredibly frustrating, as it may restrict your mobility and keep you from doing different kinds of activities. However, you do not have to live in pain as long as you try different remedies and workouts to relieve the tension in your feet. Make sure you consult with a medical professional if your pain persists, and try to rest as much as possible whenever you feel that your feet have endured too much pressure. 

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My name is Anne and I am a local mommy blogger ... Momee Friends is all about Long Island and all things local with the focus on family

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