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We are dedicated to linking families and businesses together for the benefit of all.
I hope you enjoy all that Momee Friends offers whether it is a smile, craft, recipe, friendly advice, or an event for your family to attend together in a safe and creative environment. Join us in seeing what Long Island has to offer.


Hi, my name is Anne Caminiti!

I’m married to a wonderful man (Mike) and together we have two beautiful little girls (Mia) who is currently a school age girl who is loving new experiences and Olivia who is currently in the toddler stage (which can be challenging at times) but, we are conquering all obstacles, succesfully. I love being a mom and doing great things as a family on Long Island.  I figured I would start a blog sharing all the  fun and helpful stuff the island has to offer!  I hope you enjoy my blog and find it informative! Please feel free to comment and share your experiences with all your fellow MomeeFriends! I want this blog to be for all of us and I want it to be an enjoyable site that you absolutely love to visit! 




Kady Rose Francesconi: NYC Correspondent

 Hey Long Island! Kady Rose here. I grew up on the beautiful Island of Long and will never stray very far… how could you?! After graduating from SUNY New Paltz with a degree in Visual Arts and Graphic Design, the Big Apple stole my heart (and my paychecks!). I’ve been working in NYC for 9 years and living here for 5, enjoying every aspect of this incredible city.

 One of the reasons I have not strayed very far is Momee Friends very own, Anne Caminiti. Since a beautiful new school day in 2001 she has captured my attention and my admiration. I could not be more proud of the awareness and resources she has brought to Long Island families with her blog and website and am so happy to be a part of it!


    I am also a fellow crafter; follow me on Instagram and twitter! @kraftykady 



Hi! My name is Jessica Dooley- Health and Fitness Coach Writer

I’m a wife ,mama, an animal lover and I’m passionate about the health of myself and my family. I live by the 80/20 rule – 80% clean eating and healthy workouts – 20% indulge a little

Two years ago I left a corporate advertising job for a full time job as a stay at home mom. These two years at home with my daughter have been the most wonderful, exciting, exhausting years of my life and I wouldn’t trade them for the world.

I have always pretty healthy; I was very conscious of what I ate and I worked out a few times a week (running and yoga were my go-tos). When I became pregnant I didn’t adjust my lifestyle too much; I continued with my running and yoga, and made some slight adjustments to my diet based on that giant list of “do not eats” you get when you’re pregnant. I was happy to give up caffeine and sushi, among other things, to ensure my baby had the healthiest start to life. What I was not prepared for was the drastic change in my diet immediately after she was born. As I was holding this tiny, fragile new life in my hands I realized every single bite I put into my body would be going directly to her. Overnight I became a vigilant label reader, wanting to know exactly what was in everything I was putting in my mouth. Before I had even heard the term “clean eating” my new foray into mom-hood was leading me down that path.




Lucille Priolo – Career Nanny

Hi Everyone!!! I am so excited to introduce myself. I’m Lucille and I’m a Career Nanny. I have always loved being around kids. I started babysitting at 12 years old around my neighborhood and a year later my older sister had her first baby. I loved going to her house for the weekend and helping her out. A year and a half later, she had her second child and made me the godmother. It was a great honor. From then on all I ever wanted was to do something with children. I got my first job working at a daycare when i was 18. Then moved on to a different Pre-school, where i was for 10 years. The environment was overwhelming with positive people and smiling children. I loved waking up every morning and going to work. Teaching these little humans right from wrong, which shape was what and even just singing songs at circle time. After ten years, I made a very hard decision to move on and become a Nanny and I have loved every minute of it. My first family I worked for over two years. They had three kids and they became family. My current family is also amazing and they also have three kids. Being a Nanny showed me things about myself that I never knew. I love being around kids, seeing their smiles when they accomplish something, kissing their boo boos when they get hurt, tucking them in for nap times and just giving them routine and comfort throughout the day. Can’t wait to get started on this blog. Give some advice or just tell some funny stories about working with kids. For now, Happy Fall. Signing off to go finish my PSL (pumpkin spice latte) before picking the twins up from school.




Dr. Amanda Hart Psychologist

Hi! My name is Amanda Hart; I’m a local wife, mom, and psychologist. I love working with children, teens, parents, and young adults as they navigate different phases or challenges in their lives. Originally, I set out to work primarily in the schools as a school psychologist, but after my second child was born I shifted focus to a more flexible schedule in a private practice and found such a passion for it! I really love digging in deeper with families and getting to help them in all contexts, rather than just in the school setting. Anne is someone that I’ve known since middle school, and with her providing such a great resource to all of my our local families I am excited to join her network of Momee Friends!




Check out our amazing Momee Friends Website for a daily craft, recipe ideas as well as local Long Island fun!

Momee Friends —> click here

Feel free to contact me using the form below or e-mail me at with any questions!

Look forward to talking with you!


Always just one click away! Send an e-mail with questions, comments or cool ideas for other Momee Friends!


We are honored to have been nominated for Best Blog On Long Island for the past four years! 




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