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Potty Chart

Mia went Pee Pee on the potty last night!

I am so proud of her : )

so I made her a Potty Chart that I keep on the wall of my bathroom

After what felt like 2 days straight of sitting on the potty Mia did it ( she went pee pee on the potty! )

So here is the story:

Mia usually gets excited to knock on the bathroom door and point to her toothbrush before bed. So she did last night, but instead of pointing to the toothbrush she pointed to the potty. So I was so excited sat her on and she went a little bit. And when she was done reached for the toilet paper. : ) and of course we washed our hands after.  I made a huge deal and we went and got a sticker for her potty chart.

The first day I was trying to make her go potty on her potty seat and she hated it. But, once I put her potty seat on our toilet she loved it. I think it’s because she loves to mimic everything my husband and I do. She is a big girl and so happy.

When I posted about Potty Training Time with Mia a fellow Momee Friend suggested this chart with an award.

Mia loves stickers so much so I made the chart and when she goes pee pee or poo poo on the potty she will get a sticker on her chart.

You can google so many fantastic potty charts but I made one simple and easy from spare poster board I had in the house.

Do you have a potty chart for your child? How is potty training going for you?

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