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“CHAD” stickers for children’s car seats

This was a great blog post I read and I wanted to share this information with all of my fellow Momee Friends. A simple thing most parents probably don’t think to do – See more at: Rockford Parent

Below is an image of a “CHAD: sticker or better known as “Children have an Identity”

I got the image from The Travelers Protective Association of America

“ADVICE: Place a sticker on each child’s car seat providing information that can help rescuers. Include: child’s name & DOB, parent’s names, DOB & phone, emergency contact info, child’s doctor, any medical issues and any medications.”

“The CHAD safety seat child identification program has been  developed as a result of a traffic accident involving a 13-month old boy named Chad.  The baby-sitter who was driving was killed. Chad was injured but no one at the scene knew his identity. Only because an emergency room nurse recognized him  could his parents be quickly located and his injuries be treated.”

I would encourage all of you to take the few minutes out of your day and put these stickers on your car seats. It will help in any emergency situation and our kids are worth it!

If you don’t want to make your own sticker I found a website that allows you to purchase these in bulk for you and your Momee friends—> Child Car Seat Identification 

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