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Pet Companions

     I received an email from a fellow Momee Friend who asked:

How important is it for a child to have a pet companion?

Every child loves animals and I feel whether it is a four legged friend, a buddy swimming in a bowl or a creepy crawly friend each child will feel a bond with their pet.

It also helps kids learn how to love and care for someone else besides themselves. Responsibility is a great lesson learned.

Did you know that the month of May is National Pet Month in the United States;so if you were thinking of adopting a pet or buying one for your child do so in celebration this month.

There are plenty of animal shelters that are looking for homes for our furry friends. Just make sure they let you know if these pets can go to homes with little ones 🙂

For example, my daughter Mia is in love with our Kitty. Norman is part of the family and the happiness that he brings Mia is wonderful and a different kind of happiness than when she sees her family and friends. She is in love with him and if she cries or is grumpy if Norman passes by she can not resist to go over and hug him and smile.

Here are pictures of my daughter and our kitty…

From day 1 they were buddies and taking naps together

they were picture perfect for the holidays : )

We have a daughter Mia and a Kitty son named Norman

The two of them have so much fun with one another and they make each other happy

and in their own ways they say I love you

What type of pet do you have at home and do you feel it is important to have a pet in your home?

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