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New Years Eve Paper Plate Noise Makers

New Year’s Eve is a fun time to celebrate the year past and look forward to the year ahead.
It is a time to have fun and make noise. Have fun with your kids and craft some noise makers together.

Noise Maker  #1

What you need:

1 paper plate

Toasted Rice Cereal, Dry Beans, or Dry Rice (all of these make noise when shaken)

Foam Sticker Sheet

Jingle Bells (optional)

Stickers of stars

colorful ribbons


hole puncher




First have your child color the bottom side of the plate and decorate with stickers.

Cut out a 2, a 0, a 1 and a 5 out of the foam sticker sheet.

Fold the plate in half.

Put the rice cereal or any other dry ingredient inside and staple it shut.


Stick the numbers onto the plate for 2015.

Make sure your plate is decorated with lots of colors and stickers.


Now, take your hole puncher and make holes around the outside rim. (shown below)

Put the ribbons in the holes and curl the ribbon.


* you can add jingle bells to the ends of the ribbons if you like for more noise : )

The shaker is ready to be played with and danced with to celebrate the new year.


Noise Maker #2

What you need:

2 paper plates

Toasted Rice Cereal, Dry Beans, or Dry Rice (all of these make noise when shaken)

Foam Sticker Sheet

1 large craft stick

Jingle Bells

Stickers of stars

colorful ribbons


hole puncher



masking tape


First decorate the bottoms of both plates.

Make the 2015 out of foam stickers as well. Stick the numbers onto the plate for the 2015 New Year.


Put your dry ingredient inside the plate, I used the rice cereal and staple them shut (shown below).

Make sure to staple the craft stick in between the two plates as well.

I put masking tape around the top of the craft stick where the staple was to protect little fingers from the staple.


Use the hole punch to make holes around the rim of the plate. Add the ribbons and curl them and add the jingle bells to the bottom two ribbons for more noisy fun.


You have completed both noise makers.

All you have to do is hand them to your kids and they will know what to do : )



Here is a Bonus Noise Maker Craft —–> click here

From my Momee Craft corner to yours… Happy New Year Crafting!


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