Fun Time Activities: Try To Learn Where Does Your Name Come From

With all the name origins out there, you can spend a lifetime trying to learn about your name. The approach to this task can be taken in several different ways and can be very fun and interesting. You can go to the library and check out books on your name origins, you can read articles online, or you can even find a book for sale that specializes in name origin. Here are some ideas to get you started.

Language Factor

The language in which your name is written can be a huge factor when trying to determine its origin. If you are not sure of what languages influence your name or you cannot find your name in a book, this can be a factor. Irish names are usually very symbolic, Italians are usually rooted in family relationships, and French usually have a romantic, old-world feel to them. Learning these types of things can take you far in learning about your name’s origin. However, if you cannot decipher the language, you might want to try another approach.

Look At The Letters

The letter factor comes into play when you are looking at your first, middle, and last names separately rather than as a whole. Generally speaking, those that end in the letter “a” often make you feel like you are artistic and energetic. Names ending with “y” tend to give people a sense of freedom, while those ending with the letters K, CK, CZ, and Qu bring people success. This is not always true but it is a good place to start. You can also look for patterns within your name such as alliteration (repeating certain letters) such as in the name  “Emma” where the “m” is repeated indicating a caring and nurturing personality according to some sources.

The Number Factor

The number of letters in your name can also be a factor when determining the origin of your name. Generally, the longer the word is the more specific it will be and vice versa. For example, if you have a three-letter British name such as Joe there may not be one concrete way to track down its origins and there could even be multiple languages involved. However, if you have a longer Dutch name such as Wouter there should only be one language associated with it because all those that have Dutch origin are seven or more letters long. This can help narrow down an origin significantly so keep this in mind when trying to pin down your name’s origin.

Check Out Websites Online

Searching the internet for your name’s origin is a great place to start. There is a multitude of websites online that offer to tell you about your name. Some of these sites even give you the option to input more than one name so your results can be more defined. You can also enter an email address and they will send you a detailed report of your search. These services only take a few minutes and could help give some guidance when tracing back where your name comes from. Also, when using these websites you must double-check any information you find with another source, because although most of the information is accurate and good to go off of, sometimes people make mistakes. However, keep in mind that many of these sites will only offer you the most popular option and if your name is not very common, it may be difficult to find its origins.

Find A Book On Name Origins

Finding a book that specializes in name origin can be a huge help when trying to track down an origin story. Books on name origins can also be extremely fun, especially if they are books for children. Finding these types of books in your local library or bookstore might take some time but it will be very worth it when you get your answer. The only downside to this approach is that some books (usually smaller and harder to find) will only tell you the most common origin of a name. Also,  some books will give you the origin of a certain type of name (such as Italian or Celtic) but that specific book may not cover your exact name. So it is important to be mindful of those factors when finding a book that could hold all the answers you are looking for.

Learning about your name’s origin is fun and can be very interesting, but it can also take some time to figure out. If you do not have a lot of time, try one approach and if that does not work out the way you hoped, then switch it up for another. There is no wrong or right way to search for your name’s origin, but make sure you are using reliable sources if you want a  serious answer.

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My name is Anne and I am a local mommy blogger ... Momee Friends is all about Long Island and all things local with the focus on family

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