Can Gaming Actually Be Good For Younger People?

Yes is the short answer. Gaming has gotten a really bad reputation over the last few years, but not all games are bad. In fact, we would argue that there are no games that are inherently bad, and children should not be stopped from gaming if this is what they want to do. Having said that, we do acknowledge that there have been problems with gaming in the past, and as such it should be controlled how much they game. The world does not need more young people addicted to gaming, which is why it should be done in a safe and healthy manner like everything else.

In this article, we’re going to be taking a look at some of the reasons why gaming can actually be good for younger people. As such, if you are interested in finding out more about this topic, read on.


Communication is one of the biggest selling points of gaming. Of course when we talk about communication here we’re talking about online gaming as you don’t need to communicate for other types of games. Do not misunderstand us here, we are not suggesting that you should let your young children speak to strangers online, but if they are older and you have explained everything to them then they can do this as long as they are monitored. You need to ensure that you are around if they are doing this to make sure that there is no bad language, sharing of personal information or anything like this.

But, for older kids such as teens communicating like this with other people can be really helpful for their development. If they are not someone who likes to socialize, or they really struggle with this then talking to someone through a screen can help them build their confidence. There have been plenty of friendships made through game channels, and it should then make them feel more comfortable with people going forward.

Problem Solving

There are some games out there that are fantastic for developing problem solving skills. Of course it’s not always the case because some games don’t involve this element, but you should be encouraging them to play games that do. It’s always nice to mix things up every now and then, so make sure that they are playing a variety of games, some of which work their brains and some of which they just enjoy. 

Back to problem solving though, this is a fantastic skill to have in their daily life. Working things out can be tough, but if they are already developing their skills through their games, they should have an easier time when this comes around in real life. It’s also something that they will keep and continue to build on over time, ensuring that when they are adults they are able to handle problems as and when they pop up without panicking.

Mind Games

Mind games are also a fantastic use of a young person’s time. We know that when you think about gaming your mind automatically goes to video games that involve shooting and a whole bunch of violence, but it doesn’t have to. Some kids love to play these games but they also love to play other games like chess simply because they enjoy them. If you can encourage your kids to play these games as well as the other types, they will be working their brain every time and keeping themselves open to learning new things. Strategies and things like this all come with games like chess, which is why it’s actually a good idea to encourage young people towards games like this.

Leadership Skills

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While you might not think that this is the case, gaming can actually massively help young people to develop their leadership skills, which again they take into their general life. Don’t get us wrong this doesn’t always happen, but there is usually a potential for it to happen as in most team games someone is going to have to take that leadership role. For example, if your child is playing with their friends, there is usually going to be one person who emerges as the leader, but the more confident that each person becomes the more they will start to come out of their shell. Eventually you will find that they are exhibiting more leadership skills than before, which is great for their development.

Improved Mood

The final thing that we’re going to talk about is that for some kids gaming is actually good for their mood. They get to do something that they enjoy and they benefit from this because they are happy. You want your kids to be happy of course, but you want this to be done in a safe way which is completely understandable. There is absolutely no need for you to be trying to stop your kids from gaming if it is making them happy though, you just need to help them to control it. 

This means that you should be setting a time limit on how long they can play per day, and ideally set them a budget so that they can learn about controlling their spending here as well. This is a good way to ensure that they still benefit from the improved mood of getting to play but they are also not at risk of becoming addicted to this.

Hopefully you have found this article helpful and now see some of the reasons why gaming can be good for younger people. As long as they are not spending all of their time gaming and they are doing other things, that’s all that matters. Gaming can be a healthy part of a young persons’ routine if they want it to be, and if you try to ban this then you are only going to push them towards it even more. But now that you understand the benefits of gaming, hopefully you and your child can work together towards what works for you.

Top Image from: Pexels

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My name is Anne and I am a local mommy blogger ... Momee Friends is all about Long Island and all things local with the focus on family

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