Wintry Woes: How to Weatherproof Your Home When Winter Gets Wicked

As winter winds howl, even cozy homes can feel its chill. While winter provides many joys – hot cocoa, fireplaces and woolly sweaters come to mind – if your home is unprepared it could become disastrous. Here is a comprehensive guide that can help you weatherproof it and make sure that winter doesn’t wreak havoc without losing its cool!

Layer Up Your Living Space

Your home should be treated as an individual that needs to protect itself against the cold just like you would. Start with windows; they often account for heat loss. Consider investing in thermal curtains to act as a barrier between cold air entering through windows and you. Also adding rugs on bare floors can add extra insulation against cold floors. And don’t forget your walls: hanging tapestries or quilts provide insulation while adding elegance to the decor at the same time.

A Roof Above the Rest

Your roof serves more than one purpose; it serves as the first line of defense against harsh winter winds, hail, and snowfall. Regular inspection can identify any areas of concern such as loose tiles or leaks that could become major problems when faced with heavy snowfall. Clean gutters to allow melting snow to drain away effectively. Consider adding extra insulation in the attic so as to keep heat inside where it belongs. Remember, an effective roof is more than simply weatherproof – it creates a warm haven for you and loved ones to take shelter under its protection. Find a roofing company near me for professional maintenance or repairs services!

Pipes – The Hidden Heroes

Pipes are unsung heroes working tirelessly behind-the-scenes to keep your home functioning efficiently, but when Jack Frost strikes they can suddenly burst and cause an expensive water flood in your home – as well as flooding any nearby streets! Insulate pipes located outside or unheated parts of your home to thwart winter’s fury; simple foam pipe insulation will often suffice. As temperatures decrease significantly, another helpful strategy is to set your faucets to slowly drip when temperatures become significantly less comfortable. This keeps water moving through its pipes, and is less likely to freeze and cause issues later. Your pipes are the veins of your home – treat them well so they keep on functioning comfortably throughout winter!

The Warmth of Winter Maintenance

Just because it may look like winter outside doesn’t mean it has to feel that way inside! Your heating system serves as the heart of your home in these frigid months, providing warmth and comfort throughout each room in the house. As winter winds begin to howl, ensure that your heating system can keep pace. Consult a professional regularly to make sure that your furnace, boiler or heat pump is operating optimally – and don’t forget to replace filters regularly to maximize performance! Consider investing in a programmable thermostat for efficient and cost-effective heat management. By being proactive with your heating system, you’ll be able to relax in your cozy den sipping hot chocolate while enjoying snowflakes fall from above – knowing your home is ready to face winter’s chill with peace.


Winter can be icy, and home maintenance plans can become challenging when faced with potential threats such as colder temperatures. But remember: every snowflake should serve as a reminder not only of challenges faced, but also of cozy comfort provided by a home that has been properly prepared. By taking these steps in maintaining roof, pipes, and heating system you are not only protecting your home but also creating an inviting space to make memories this winter season. There is no place like home, especially if yours is warm and secure! So get your plan underway now while winter does its worst while you do your best!

Image source: here

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My name is Anne and I am a local mommy blogger ... Momee Friends is all about Long Island and all things local with the focus on family

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