Last year, I decided to repurpose the toy figures that my girls loved so much when they were younger but, have stopped playing with into Christmas Ornaments. These figures hold so many memories for me and I know as the girls get older they will continue to remember the figures they loved so much but, outgrown playing with. Instead of donating the toy figures that hold so many fond memories, I turned them into Christmas ornaments that we can enjoy seeing year after year on our Christmas Tree.

What you will need is:

Toy Figures

Christmas Ribbon

Sharpie Marker


Hot Glue Gun


First you need to go through your kids bin of figures and find which ones mean the most to you and your kids. These ones are the ones that have to make their way on the tree. Put the date on the bottom of the figure with a black Sharpie Marker so that you know what year you turned it into an ornament. : )

My girls love Rex from Toy Story, the Peppa Pig Family, Paw Patrol, Trolls and so many Disney characters.

Next, pick out your Christmas Ribbon and make a loop with a knot. Use the knot on the figure so it has more surface area for the hot glue to attach to the figure. (seen below)

One of our Momee Friends had a great idea if you did not want to hot glue the ribbon onto the toy. Momee Friend, Denise suggested to use tiny eye hooks. She said, ” I did this 20 years ago to my oldest daughters little toys but I screwed in those tiny eye hooks on top like you see on regular ornaments.”

Once it dries you can hang it from your tree. These ornaments make me smile so much.

At one time these were toys they loved playing with and they are memories for all of us. I thought this was a cute way to repurpose some of the toys. What do you think? I love a craft that can repurpose something instead of throwing it away.

*When I shared this on my Facebook page a lot of amazing parents commented under the post and I wanted to share some of their thoughts with you:

Momee Friend, Jen said, “This is an amazing idea!! We have tons of figures. It’s all my guys play with. Some I never want to get rid of.”

Momee Friend, Linda said, “Great, great idea!!! Going down the basement now and digging some out that I just couldn’t give away!”

Momee Friend, Martha said, “Over the years I have done the same. Now that my son is 33 putting them on the tree each year has become very, very special. I’m sure his children will inherit them.”

Momee Friend Catrina said, “Every year we make their favorite character or toy into an ornament and put the year on it 🌲

We love all of our Momee Friends and love when you share your ideas and creations with us.

Remember to tag us on social media or #momeefriendsli

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My name is Anne and I am a local mommy blogger ... Momee Friends is all about Long Island and all things local with the focus on family

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