DIY Interactive Game Costumes- News 12 Segment

You can create fun interactive costumes like Guess Who, Tic Tac Toe and Hungry Hungry Hippos.


Elizabeth Hashagen and Anne Caminiti (Momee Friends of Long Island) show you how to make your own costumes with items around your home and that are inexpensive to create.

  1. Guess Who- Elizabeth and Anne are dressed as Guess Who. This game has many versions and we have created the News 12 version with some familiar faces you can see during the morning show. This is a great friends, sibling or couples costume as you need two players to play one wearing a blue shirt and the other a red shirt.

The board is created by using foam board and poster board. The foam board is the base and the poster board is used to make the pieces with the faces glued to them.

Here is the blue board completed but, I did it in red, too.



2. Tic Tac Toe- is an interactive costume created out of a foam board, velcro, and foam x’s and o’s. We added a hat to place your extra pieces. The velcro makes it easy to change the pieces and actually play the game while taking a candy break while trick or treating.


3. Candy Crush- is such a popular game for your electronic device that we decided to make it into a wearable poster board costume. We added some SWEET glasses with the popular candy pieces attached.


4. Twister- is an interactive T-shirt costume that actually spins.

I used Sharpie Markers on the front of this shirt and the circles were made out of foam board.

Using a poster board spinner shape and a paper fastener you can make the spinner actually spin.

We created a Twister bracelet, as well. I used some white t-shirt scrap and 4 extra foam circles to make a cute accessory to the costume. Velcro was glued to the bracelet to make it adjustable.


  1. Hungry Hungry Hippos- is a great group or siblings costume idea. Using different colored canvas caps and shirts you can create these adorable recognizable hippos. Read complete directions—-> HERE



**** Some of these costumes require using a Hot Glue Gun please make sure an adult uses the Hot Glue Gun when creating the costumes. The Hot Glue gets very hot and can cause serious burns if a child uses it. ****

News 12 DIY Halloween Costumes

Please tune into News 12 Long Island this morning for some fun DIY Costume ideas with one of our favorite local Momees, Elizabeth Hashagen. Why spend a lot of money on a costume when you can create a costume for little money, yourself. Which one is your favorite we would love to hear your input!

See our segments on News 12 Long Island:…/funday-monday-diy-halloween-…


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My name is Anne and I am a local mommy blogger ... Momee Friends is all about Long Island and all things local with the focus on family

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